Watching the sunset in Cabo da Roca, Portugal

Hey guys 🎞

One of the things we miss the most is getting outside and watching a sunset. Just as simple as that... 

A few weeks ago, before all os this had happen, Rita and I had a wonderful Sunday afternoon. We got my car and we wandered by some places to have a chilled weekend with this nice pre-spring weather. 💐 

Azenhas do Mar; Portra 800, Nikon F65
Portuguese Coast; Portra 800, Nikon F65
Portuguese Coast; Portra 800, Nikon F65

Mafra Convent; Portra 800, Nikon F65 (also worth a visit)

After driving through the countryside of Lisbon outskirts, visiting Mafra, Ericeira and Azenhas do Mar, we headed to Cabo da Roca.

Cabo da Roca is the westernmost point of Europe and for this reason is an important spot to visit for those wondering by the Portuguese coast. There, you can have an amazing view. It is integrated in the Natural Park of Sintra-Cascais and it is one of the spots for the pedestrian routes that exist along the Portuguese coast.

Eis aqui, quase cume da cabeça
De Europa toda, o Reino Lusitano,
Onde a terra se acaba e o mar começa  
Luís de Camões, the Lusiads  

This quote is actually written in the monument that marks Cabo da Roca as the westernmost point of Europe, and it means “Here, where the land finishes and the Sea begins”, alluding precisely to what was previously thought to be the end of the known world. 🌎 

Travellers and their Caravans; Portra 800, Nikon F65 

Cabo da Roca sunset; Portra 800, Nikon f65

Many people, from different countries, were crowded there to witness the sunset and to admire the greatness of the Earth in this place. Westernmost or not, the think that really matters is to go beyond what is known to be our limits 🧭. As we told before, in many centuries ago, who could have wondered that this “end of the world” was going to be crowded by people coming from different points of the world? 😅

André and Rita

The sunset; Portra 800, Nikon F65


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