Last year, I was celebrating the 17th of May in Norway!

Hi guys,

Today is 17h may. For some of you, a day like the others, but at this moment, in Norway, a big event is happening right now. Today is the Norwegian Constitution Day!

As you know, I lived in Tromso (Norway) for 10 months, so I had the pleasure to experience this amazing day last year!

The celebration of this day is a party like no other. The Constitution day is HUGE is Norway!

The 17th of May marks the day that Norway was declared as an independent country, back in 1814. In the 1860s the first barnetog (children’s parade - very characteristic of this celebration) was launched in Oslo with only boys. It was only until 1899 when girls were allowed to join the parade. 

Constitution Day in Tromso; Kodak gold 200, Nikon F65

Some bands can march as well; Kodak gold 200, Nikon F65

Children’s parades 

Children have a special role in the celebrations and the biggest part of this event is dedicated to them. The children’s parades consist of marching, waving Norwegian flags and carrying school banners. In Oslo, these parades pass the Royal Palace, where the royal family members wave back from the balcony. 

The same applies to some students ranging from kindergarten to high school, often including the “Russ students”. Some bands, municipality representatives and other social groups can march as well.

Children’s parade in the main square; Kodak gold 200, Nikon F65

Russ celebration 

The appearance of Russ students is another tradition of this day. It is celebrated in Norway since 1905 and involves the graduating class of high school.

Each year, around 40000 graduating high school students called “Russ” are recognised with their Russ hats and uniforms. This tradition starts in spring and ends on the 17th of May. The day is marked with Russ parties, Russ buses, Russ cards and Russ newspapers. It’s a very important day for the graduates!

The color of the uniform matches the graduate’s line of study: red for the students that are geared towards higher education, blue for those going into business, economics and management, white for medical studies, black for engineering and green for agricultural fields.

Kodak gold 200, Nikon F65

Russ cards

One of the things that I noticed this day, was that the Russ students were exchanging some kind of cards between them. Later, I discovered that they change them for fun and often commemorate those who have a large collection of other Ruas cards, since it is a safaris marker and a sign of popularity. This tradition also involves children who collect them.

Russ cards (russekort) are cards that Russ students hand out to anyone who asks for them. It contains a picture, contact detailed and a slogan. Usually, the picture is a funny picture or a drawing of the Russ. The names and contact details are often spoofs and the slogans are often jokes.

The food

May 17th is usually associated with hot dog, soda and ice-cream. At people’s homes, the traditional food often depends on where people are living: near the sea, eating salmon and trout is quite common, while in the mountain villages, it can be rømmegrøt og spekkemat (porridge and cured meat).


The Bunad is the Norwegian National Day’s costume. There are more than 400 different regional variations and they are used in many Norwegian celebrations. The costumes are very valuable and usually kept for many years. Some are inherited from older family members, but they can still be made and purchased brand new.

According to the Norwegian tradition, bunads worn on May 17th should come from the area the wearer or their family originated from.

Hip hip hurra!!!
Rita 🇳🇴


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