"Tromsø is a city of extremes and there is something special about that"

Hi guys! 😊

Tromsø is wild. There's a lot of nature to be lost in, seagulls that wake you up in the morning, there's peace and nobody is rushing, and you have the Norwegian sea if you want to have a cold bath. These are some of the things that made me fall in love with this place. However, not everyone can live here. And this is because Tromsø has extreme light variations between seasons.

From November to January the sun doesn't rise at all. These are called the Polar Nights (mørketid), a phenomenon that happens only in the northernmost and southernmost regions of the planet. There are some people who get seasonal depression, due to the fact that it is always dark. But the majority manages to find ways to be entertained and busy, such as being involved in city events and cultural festivals, skiing or just enjoying the season with their friends and family. Interestingly, in Tromsø these Polar Nights are well characterized by their blue color. The light is reflected in the blue sea and the white snow and the landscape is covered with a deep blue color. Besides, when the days are clear and there are no clouds in the sky, you can easily see the famous Aurora Borealis! It's such a magical season... ⛄

P.S.: Some pictures on this post were taken with a digital camera, due to the lack of films available at the time.

Polar Night; Kodak Gold 200, Nikon F65

Digital Photography by Helena Costa

Digital Photography; Polar Night, 1pm

Digital Photography; Polar Night, 10am

The opposite event - the midnight sun - occurs when the sun stays above the horizon and never sets: from May to July.

“Night was coming on again; the sun just dipped into the sea and rose again, red, refreshed, as if it had been down to drink. I could feel more strangely on those nights than anyone would believe” Knut Hamsuns in Pan (1894).

Midnight Sun at 9pm; Ektar 100, Nikon F65

Midnight Sun at 12am; Ektar 100, Nikon F65

Kodak Gold 200, Nikon F65

Kodak Gold 200, Nikon F65

Kodak Gold 200, Nikon F65

Kodak Gold 200, Nikon F65

Kodak Gold 200, Nikon F65

Kodak Gold 200, Nikon F65

Kodak Gold 200, Nikon F65

Kodak Gold 200, Nikon F65

Kodak Gold 200, Nikon F65


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